Boudica (The Horsemen 2)

Author: Marteeka Karland
Cover Art: Renee' George
BIN: 02238-00705
Genres: Dark Fantasy, Futuristic, Paranormal, Romance
Themes: Bisexual, Multisexual, Pansexual & Transsexual, Multiple Partners /Polyamory
Series: The Horsemen (#2)
Book Length: Novella
Page Count: 71
The time is ripe for the Red Horseman.
New York. A future filled with chaos and oppression. A good woman, haunted by her past. Long ago the Iceni warrior queen Boudica led her army to their deaths in a battle she had no hope of winning. Now Boudica has a mission: to lead the greatest revolt against oppression of all time. And to find peace with herself.
At her side, Aries. God of War. His time as a Horseman is over, but he has chosen to help the next great warrior. He doesn't expect to find a woman who enflames his every desire. A warrior queen, but also a woman who longs to give power over herself to someone else. As Boudica prepares for the biggest battle of her life, Aries, with the help of Roland and Galen, will show her the true meaning of power.
"Full of action and emotion.... Ms. Karland's ability to pen a highly erotic scene involving three men and one woman is in evidence in this book."
"Ms. Karland has done an amazing job of creating our future world. is so unbelievably hot, steamy and sensual. If you enjoy books that take place in a dangerous world with strong characters that know how to burn up the sheets, you will enjoy this story."

The Horsemen: Boudica
Marteeka Karland
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2007 Marteeka Karland
Aries took a deep breath. There was no use worrying about the coming battle. Still, this one weighed on him more than most. He looked at CiCi's sleeping form. This was the one who would destroy the world.
The boat rocked gently, the water sloshing against the hull and lulling them to sleep. CiCi lay firmly wrapped in his arms. She was like that. Always wanting him near. Even before her revelation on Everest, they had often warmed each other's bed with no sexual contact. Just the peace that came from knowing you lay next to someone you cared for and trusted with your life.
Now, her sexily freckled skin beckoned him like no woman he'd ever known, and her hair snagged his beard-roughened cheek as if clinging to him. She snuggled closer, seeming to need the comfort as much as he did.
He rolled away from her and sat up. It was too intimate and he wanted her too much. She was naked beneath those sheets. She'd pressed her mouth-watering curves against his equally naked body and held him so tightly, he thought she might never let him go.
But she had. In her sleep, she had rolled over and turned her back on him.
That was what he feared most. His whole existence, he had taken the women he'd wanted and none had offered resistance. None had wanted to leave him. This one would whether she wanted to or not. He couldn't follow where she would lead. He stood and walked to the tiny porthole that served as the cabin's only window.
"Aries," she mumbled, her voice heavy with sleep. "Where are we?"
"About six hours out of New York Harbor."
She yawned and stretched, rubbing her eyes. The sheet barely covered her full breasts, and Aries had to force himself not to stare. Her hair fanned around her like a silky red cloud, and the sheet clung to her curves, begging him to uncover her treasures.
"Once we get to New York, a base of operations would be helpful." She pulled her knees up and crossed her arms over them. "As much as I know you have complete faith in my new 'army,' I don't like being totally dependent on a mystical messenger. I'd rather have one of my own people running messages."
Aries leaned against the bulkhead. "They're more reliable than humans, CiCi, and they can't be killed or captured. Not to mention they can carry messages across the world in the blink of an eye."
"Yeah." She dropped her chin to her arm. "But they're not loyal to me. They might be doing what I tell them, but if I order them to do something not in the 'bigger plan,' there's no guarantee they'll follow my instructions."
The way her mass of long hair curled and floated around her made her seem smaller than she was. Freckles seemed to sparkle against her pale skin. She looked like anything but the warrior she was. She looked almost fragile.
He pushed away from the wall and moved toward her. "There's nothing to worry about. All you have to do is take out one section of the city at a time. Your base has already been secured and armed. An abandoned warehouse just outside the city."
"Look, we both know I wasn't chosen for my tactical brilliance." She gave a short snort. "Hell, I haven't exactly figured out why I am here. I just don't like not having control of the situation. I'm depending on entirely too many variables."
"You're here --" He sat next to her on the small bunk. "-- to lead the greatest revolt against oppression of all time. And to find peace with yourself."
Aries didn't expect the hopeful, almost child-like look on her face. He hadn't truly understood why she was here, either, but with that one look, he knew. This was a good woman, haunted by her past so much, she would never have been able to move on even if she hadn't been chosen a Horseman. On the outside, she was the warrior Iceni queen. On the inside, she was a mother who had been unable to protect her children when they needed her most. Not only had they suffered at the hands of the Roman soldiers who raped them, but she had led them to their deaths in a battle they had no hope of winning with the knowledge she possessed. She had led her entire army into death, as well as the Iceni people.
In a flash, the expression was gone. She was in control once again.
It was a good thing, too, because he almost hauled her into his arms and kissed the fear and doubt from her lovely face. But she wasn't a woman to need the comfort of a man. She was one who took what she wanted. She looked at him with a heated expression on her face, no doubt very aware of her nakedness. Of his.
The room suddenly seemed too small. If he didn't get up right that second, he just knew he'd fuck her. It didn't matter whether or not she was ready, he needed her. Given his state of undress, hiding his arousal was impossible.
Her head dropped and he knew her gaze fell on his engorged cock. It twitched. He couldn't stop it. He didn't try.
"You know, I could probably wrestle you to the floor and simply take what I want from you, Aries. You're stronger than I am, but I think you want the same thing I do and wouldn't try that hard to stop me."
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