Full Moon Heat

Author: Lia Connor
Cover Art: Angela Knight
BIN: 06058-01944
Genres: Action Adventure, Box Sets, Paranormal, Romance
Themes: Bisexual, Multisexual, Pansexual & Transsexual, Multicultural & Interracial, Multiple Partners /Polyamory, Werewolves & Wolf Shifters
Series: The Pack (#5)
Book Length: Box Set
Page Count: 237
When Dashika's job takes her to the wilds of Vermont, she finds not one, but two men who appear out of nowhere -- and transform into wolves. There's no way Dashika is going to let her man -- men -- get away!
Amber's powers are so strong she can walk as a human under the full moon -- and she can drive men wild. But can Amber face the challenge of two dominant werewolves bent on mating with her?
Chantal wants answers, and she wants them now. She's traced her attacker to a group of bikers -- the Lobos. Will they let her into their pack, or push her away?
Shanda's made it her mission to find Dashika, even after the police and the PI's have given up. Hunter contacts Shanda with the best lead yet: Mark Spirit Talker. They've run together in a wolf pack every night in her dreams. But that's just fantasy. Isn't it?
This collection contains the previously released novellas Full Moon Heat, Full Moon Rising, Full Moon Night, and Full Moon City.
"...scorching hot -- I would not have been surprised if the pages had combusted in my hands. Full Moon Heat is a keeper!"
"This was an excellent tale of werewolves, it was so creatively written, and it kept your attention. The characters were lovable and funny, the story was fast paced and well described. The sex was spicy hot, and talk about animal magnetism. This is a dynamite read that will have you howling at the moon."
"Filled with characters full of spirit and attitude, a great story line, and on top of that very well written, I thoroughly enjoyed this story and will look forward to more from Lia Connor. Keep those Indian stories rollin' girl."

"Since all three are outcast of sorts, it's in their nature to feel each other out and see who is the more alpha. This part of the story gets really interesting because all three physically desire each other."
"Lia Connor has created characters that integrate themselves into your imagination and run rampant through it, while telling of a story about finding love where you least expect it."
"If your reading tastes lean to the fast, hot and furry, then Lia Connor's Full Moon Night might just be the book for you."
"For a howling good time you need to read this book. Full Moon Night... is wickedly sensual and captivating."
"This is one of the few urban stories I have read where the language as well as the characterization, which is faultless, keeps pace with the storyline."
"I loved the way [Lia Connor] built this story, and interacted the pasts and futures of the characters. I know that now I am going to run back and find the other three in this series and eat them up, that is how 'Great' this one was."
Excerpt from Full Moon Heat
Lia Connor
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2015 Lia Connor
Ring. Ring.
Some folk loved to load their pocket phones down with music and games. None of that fancy shit for Dashika McMartin, thank you. When Dashika's cell went off, she wanted to hear a ring. Not the Moonlight Symphony or some such nonsense.
She slapped at the hip pocket of her custom-made ranger's shorts, fumbling for a tiny piece of plastic that passed for the latest in portable phones. Damn thing was supposed to have coast-to-coast coverage, even though it was about the size of a credit card.
Sliding one nail underneath the flap, she flipped the thing open and snapped it to her ear. "This had better be important. I'm hiking my ass off in the middle of Fucking Nowhere, Vermont. I'm tired, I'm cranky, and if this is Jamal, you better hang up now."
"Easy, girl," a whiskey-toned voice said in her ear, surprisingly clear. "It's Shanda."
Pulling up short, Dashika relaxed. "About time, too." Dashika looked around, spotting a boulder broad enough for her rounded ass cheeks. She sat down, sighing with relief. There were bronze undertones where the bright Vermont sun played over her mocha-colored skin, and her features had a proud cast to them. Dashika backed down from nobody and no one; she got that from both sides of her family.
"If I'd known you were gonna fuss at me, I wouldn't have bothered."
"Knock it off. You found the keys?"
"Behind the fake brick, yeah. I'm in your apartment now. I just want to be sure. Anything looks like it belongs to Jamal goes in the trash, right?"
"Anything and everything." She wiped the sweat from her forehead with one rounded arm. "Make sure you get all his damn toys."
"Yeah." Shanda cleared her throat. "You told me stories and all, but I didn't realize he was that kinky. You know?"
"You shoulda seen him in action."
Dashika heard a muted clanking of metal on the other end. "Sheeka? I don't think I want to."
"Damn straight. Big ol' man like him, wantin' to play the ninety-pound weakling. First time I saw him in that club, I thought I'd found me a winner. You did too, remember?"
"Don't blame this one on me. Professional football player, with a body like his? How was I supposed to know?" Shanda clucked her tongue. "Good God, girlfriend. Is this a harness?"
"You haven't found the leashes yet?"
"Holy shit."
Dashika laughed. "First date, we had dinner, had fun. Went back to his place, had some more fun. Then he pulled out the handcuffs. I thought what the hell? Then before I know it, we're playin' games with cages on his cock, and I'm spankin' his ass, askin' 'Who's your Momma?'" She rolled her eyes. "He wasn't even hung. Built like a brick house, but all he had was a teensy little doorknocker."
"Is this a butt plug?"
"Does it have a whip tail?"
"I think so."
"It's a butt plug."
"Oh, shit! I touched it!"
Dashika burst into laughter. "Calm down. I always washed everything in alcohol."
"I'm still goin' to go boil my hands. Then I'm findin' some rubber gloves to do the rest of this room. Call you back in a few, OK?"
"Sure thing, Shanda." Dashika clicked the phone off and slid it back into her hiking shorts. Got to be careful of the battery. Even an extended life battery wouldn't last forever. Then she hauled out a good, sturdy hankie. "Who'da thought the weather could be this hot in Vermont? Ain't the air supposed to be cool up here?" She wiped her forehead. They'd promised a high in the sixties, the liars.
Dashika twisted around, staring. Was that a wolf? Here? There weren't supposed to be any wolves left in Vermont! "Hello?" she called suspiciously. "Is someone playing jokes?"
Yip. Yip yip yip, came the response. She heard a rustling in the underbrush.
There was some kind of wild animal out there. Wasn't that all she needed? She'd better make tracks, get herself to some safe ground. She re-shouldered her pack and headed back up the trail.
She still had a way to go if she was going to reach the rendezvous point before sunset. A national forest service ranger for over ten years, she wasn't dumb enough to go tramping around alone after dark in unfamiliar territory, even on a trail.
They hadn't exactly made her feel welcome when she reached the ranger station. Oh, no. Bad enough she was Black, and part Native. Worse, she was a woman -- and a BBW to boot. She'd stood there, temper rising, as the park superintendent called to make sure they'd sent the right ranger.
Asshole, she thought sourly. Him and the rest of the ranger station full of blond, apple-cheeked boys with pretty muscles and tanned legs who looked at her with a mix of everything from Oh my God to Hello, baby. She'd taken one glance at each one's crotch in their tight-fitting shorts. None of them deserved a second look.
Thing was, only a real man could satisfy Dashika. Damned if she'd ever found one. She wasn't loose, but she'd tried her share. She'd never found a man she could respect in and out of bed. In all honesty, she'd found toys were a damn sight more reliable. She'd packed Big Bubba in her knapsack. If she ended up camping alone, he was coming out to play.
That is, if there wasn't some damned wolf on her heels. Or worse. She shivered. This was the kind of thing Rangers warned tourists about. People's illegal pets got loose, hit the woods, and bam!
This was one of the times she could do with a man around, in bed or not.
She shook her head. By now she'd probably left whatever it was far behind. BBW or not, she could keep up a pretty good pace. Calm down, Sheeka. Don't freak yourself out. Haven't heard any more noises anyway. Think about something more pleasant.
Like men.
Maybe she'd find the right guy up here in Vermont. Maybe. Black, white, red, purple, she didn't care. Just so long as he was well equipped, knew how to make a woman feel special, and didn't cheat on her. A cute face was a bonus. Hands, she liked big strong hands, too. No beer guts, no comb-overs. Otherwise, she wasn't picky. She just wanted someone who'd treat her with love and respect and fuck her half-blind. Was that too much to ask?
Rustle-rustle. Rustle-rustle-rustle.
Damned if there wasn't something tracking her in the bushes! Dashika stopped, staring at the brush, but she couldn't make out a thing. Close enough to be heard, but still out of sight. Smart, too. Wily. Knew what it wanted for lunch -- a big, beautiful black woman. She shivered. OK, even if the thing wasn't gonna attack, and odds were good it wouldn't, she didn't like this. Not one bit.
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