Glow (Print)

Author: Megan Slayer
Cover Art: Bryan Keller
BIN: 08298-02680
Genres: Paranormal, Print, Romance, Urban Fantasy
Themes: Christmas, Dark Romance & Horror, Elves, Dragons & Magical Creatures, LGBTQ+ /Bisexual, Nonbinary, Transgender, Magic, Sorcery, and Witchcraft, Multiple Partners /Polyamory, Rock Star Romance, Shapeshifters, Werewolves & Wolf Shifters
Series: Glow (#9)
Book Length: Print
Page Count: 384
Glow -- the band with more than a little paranormal element to its stage presence. Meet the guys in the band...
* Zac "Iceman" Frost controls the stage with the band Glow. Atria controls fire. She's everything he needs... if he can withstand the burn.
* Being away from Luc is killing Tay. What's a guy to do when his lover is the very air he breathes?
* Tallulah's nothing like what Ike wants, but everything he needs...
* Slash Gunderson's place behind the drums for Glow is a dream come true. But can he accept his need for kink and the man who makes his heart beat?
* Ansen keeps feelings out of the equation -- until he meets Willow, who lives in the shadows and keeps the band's fan site.
* Pixie wants more, including the sexy radio jock she met at a Glow concert. That is, if he's up for grabs.
* Callum knew the moment he met Sarah she was the woman for him. But life in the band took him away. Now he's back... to stay?
This Box Set contains the previously published titles Fire Woman, The Air I Breathe, Wrapped Around, Down to Earth, Here Without You, Wild Flower, Christmas Glow, and Sweet and Wild.
"I liked the interaction between Atria and Zac. I could almost feel the sexual tension between them."
"This is a romance with bite... I hope this is the beginning of a long and enjoyable ride with Megan Slayer's stories."
"I really love how Ms. Slayer combines the magic of Christmas with paranormal elements and makes it all feel entirely plausible."
"I love the unique mix of fantasy and reality Ms Slayer brings to her stories, and this one is no different. This is a great short read and something to warm up a cold winter night."
Glow (Box Set)
Second Edition
Megan Slayer
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2017 Megan Slayer
Excerpt from Fire Woman
"A thousand bodies swaying to the hypnotic rhythm, but not a one for me."
Atria pushed through the throng of people. Smoke and sweat clung in the air. She crinkled her nose. Too many writhing limbs and not enough air to breathe. One of the concertgoers, a punk kid with a piercing glittering in his nose, tossed her a sneer. The four-inch spikes of ebony hair on his head reminded her of lethal weapons. "Wannabe," the teen snapped.
Snorting, she pushed past him. "Bathe." He might be dangerous in a rebellious teenager sort of way, but he had nothing on her.
"Go home," he growled and put his palm up. "This line is for passes and hardcore Glow fans."
Atria flicked her fingers, sending an arc of flame to his hand. His eyes widened, and his skin paled beyond the white makeup. The facade of bad boy melted into scared child as he backed away from her.
"What the hell?" His voice shook. "I didn't mean for you to kill me."
She leaned in close enough for him to hear her over the roar of the music. "If I wanted to kill you, you'd be toast by now."
The punk shook his head and backed away. His body trembled. "You're a freak -- a scary freak. What the fuck?"
Good, she thought and continued to the door. Always nice to be recognized as different. Along the way, two more rowdy kids shoved at her. Both found out the hard way -- through a minor hair fire and scorched eyebrows -- Atria Moline didn't play games.
"She burnt me!" The kid with blue streaked hair stormed the guard. "That bitch burned me. I'll have to shave my damned head."
"Consider it an improvement," the bouncer snapped. "Go." One brow rose as he considered Atria. "How many?"
She sighed. "I only scorched three, Hiram." Trust her big brother to call her on the carpet. "They didn't burn. Just a little sizzle and everything will grow back. Maybe."
"Your sizzle will get your ass arrested." Hiram sniffed the air and blew out a long breath."You burned hair and it smells like ass. Don't do that again. Sister or not, I will hurt you."
"No you won't. You love me and you'll protect me because I'm your sister." She braced her hands on her hips. "Ha."
"Whatever, brat. Are you here to see Lucien?" His smile widened. "Or have you finally found the nerve to talk to Zac?"
"Shut up." The response sounded one hell of a lot better than, I want to jump his bones and ride to Arizona. Damn it. Luc wanted pictures taken after the gig. "I'm here to photograph, not hurl myself at anyone." Shit. That sounded goofy, especially since she didn't have her camera in plain sight. The thought crossed her mind -- had she remembered it at all?
"Uh-huh." He twisted the knob and allowed her into the inner sanctum -- the backstage area. "Next time, keep the camera around your neck for credibility."
Although Atria considered giving her brother the middle finger, she refrained and shivered. She'd been backstage at the Steelyards plenty of times. Luc and his band, Glow, played lots of places, plenty of them creepier than the former factory warehouse. Why the hell did the massive room scare her? One name came to mind. Zac.
She plopped down onto a nearby folding chair and closed her eyes. Zacchaeus "Iceman" Frost. Goofy name for a hot man. Hot? Okay, so the guy was handsome in a brooding, six-foot-five manner. She licked her lips as a clear image of Zac came together in her mind.
Muscles just where a woman wanted to lick. Hardly a stitch of hair on him and a just one tattoo on his back -- a spider web or medieval design -- she wasn't sure and didn't care. And those eyes, the pristine blue of the North Atlantic. Heat zipped through her veins.
Was he packing? The bulge in the front of his leathers hinted at more than enough to please. Need tingled in her pussy, and Atria crossed her legs to stave off the sensations.
"I want you, Attie." His sensual lips curled into a smile. "Now."
Her breath came in labored puffs as she opened to him. Just to feel his callused hands on her body, tweaking her nipples, drawing out her fire and scorching them through and through.
"What are you doing?"
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Zac's voice, and not from her fantasy, came through loud and clear. The music stopped, leaving her in the thick throb of the crowd noise just on the other side of the wall...
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