Spaceport Affairs (Spaceport 16)

Author: Mikala Ash
Cover Art: Marteeka Karland
BIN: 07185-02315
Genres: Action Adventure, Futuristic, Romance, Sci-Fi
Themes: Alien Encounters, Multiple Partners /Polyamory
Series: Spaceport (#16)
Book Length: Box Set
Page Count: 338
Follow the affairs of Peri Barberossa, award-winning sex reporter for the immensely popular guide The Galactic Tourist, and Fyche, her faithful AI, as she avoids becoming the newest addition to General R'nok's harem, investigates the savage murder of a pleasure worker, survives a hijacking by terrorists, saves a planet, and searches for her missing mother and sister, renowned reporter Holly Barberossa.
Everyone is more -- or less -- than they seem in this erotically charged collection of Peri Barberossa adventures, where secret agendas abound and the name of the game is undiluted pleasure.
Publisher's Note: This box set contains the previously published novellas The Cannis Affair, The Adana Affair, The Supernova Affair, and The Erogenous Affair.
"The author writes well-described very hot sex scenes which also work to break up the suspense."
Spaceport Affairs (Box Set)
Mikala Ash
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2020 Mikala Ash
Excerpt from The Cannis Affair
Naked and at ease in the feather soft bed, I was completely at one with the universe, when reality slapped me across the face.
At first I thought I simply misheard General R'nok's solemn commitment to have me locked up in his harem. He'd said something about customary law and me being his property for life. Experience has often shown me that post coital bliss can play havoc with one's perception, so I sought clarification. I propped myself up on trembling elbows, acutely aware of my erratically beating heart, the result of five gut-wrenching orgasms in ten minutes.
"What, darling?" I asked.
The general paused, balanced on one leg, the other tangled up inside the kilt of his kaleidoscopic uniform. "You are now mine."
"I'm sorry?"
He cast a steely Etile glance toward me, his dark eye ridges folding slightly. "Are you deaf?"
Uh-oh. His gruff manner was so different from the smooth wooing of last night. "No, I just didn't understand what you said."
"You have had both orifices filled by my flesh," he said.
"And you filled them so well," I purred, trying to recapture the moment, remembering his two cocks driving into my pussy and ass at the same time, but I should have known that when it comes to men, there's always a catch.
"When you give both holes to an Etile warrior you have given your soul," he said as if he were explaining to me the intricacies of a paperclip. "You belong to me now, my concubine. We are bound for life."
"I didn't realize that was the custom," I explained, attempting to keep my voice level, though inside I was in an acute state of panic.
"It is not a custom. It is the law."
"Wait here. My aide will show you to your cot in the harem."
Cot? Harem?
He turned away from me and stretched an arm out to grasp the bedpost while he untangled his foot. The thing that jumped into my field of vision, apart from the erratically bobbing dual phalluses, both cocks still erect despite our recent exertions, was the stainless steel codpiece which had given me so much amusement at the embassy ball.
I remembered how heavy it felt in my palm when I'd disrobed him prior to our session of athletic passion and as I contemplated a lifetime spent in his harem, instinct took over.
The codpiece made a satisfying clunk as it impacted the side of his head. I use the passive voice when I describe the assault on the general's high-ranking skull. It seemed like I'd been possessed and not in conscious control of my actions.
Had this been a consciously deliberate attack, I would have said the codpiece felt heavy and cold in my hand as I raised it shoulder high and, after taking careful aim and with all my might, swung at his right temple, feeling the skin split as I struck.
You'll note the difference between acting instinctually, out of fear, versus deliberately striking the most powerful man on the planet. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
In any case, the general grunted appropriately and toppled over onto the floor. I jumped off the bed, pulled on my evening gown, transparent silken web from the Spider House on Gaskolin IX, slipped into my pumps, the latest Jess Boscolon creations, and raced to the door to listen for any activity.
From what I remembered of last night, when the general had so smoothly extricated me from the boring embassy party and lustily thrown me onto his bed, his chambers were in the east wing of the sprawling palace and conveniently close to the spaceport.
I found my handbag, a snappy little sequined number from the exclusive Balinese Collection, and rummaged about until I found my diamond encrusted Joclyn communicator. I called Fyche, my ship's AI, and asked him to order a spaceport taxi to meet me outside the general's door in five minutes flat.
"Oh, and power up Jalape�o's converters," I added somewhat breathlessly. "We need to leave."
I didn't have time to respond to his petulant whine because behind me the general gave a long, burbling groan. That wouldn't do. I needed more time. I returned to his prostrate body and tied him up with the exquisitely fine deshlen bed sheets. The silky fabric, soiled by our sweat and his copious spending, was super strong and made a good binding. Once I had him secured I stuffed his mouth with my Gaskolin Haute Couture scarf and rolled him under the bed.
Then I fled the chamber, immediately tripping over a startled aide who was inconveniently sitting on the threshold. I stopped midstride to explain that the general was resting and didn't want to be disturbed. The aide nodded sleepily and resumed his position on the tiny stool.
Had he been there all night listening to my moans of passion and screams of ecstasy? I suppressed the moment of embarrassment and calmly asked for directions to the palace's front gate.
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