The Pleasure Dome of Titan

Author: Mikala Ash
Cover Art: Bryan Keller
BIN: 02847-00903
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Sci-Fi
Themes: Vampires, Werewolves & Wolf Shifters
Book Length: Novella
Page Count: 96
Joshua Hunt is on a hopeless mission. He must convince the mysterious Professor Voss to cease her dangerous experiments which threaten the wolfen with extinction, or she will be assassinated.
To warn her, he travels to Titan, one of the inhospitable moons of Saturn. Expecting the studious "old maid" stereotype of a female scientist, he finds instead a coven of voluptuous vampires all named Voss, living in a sumptuous pleasure dome and one, a red-headed beauty, steals his heart at first sight.
Anna Voss is on the brink of a momentous discovery and will let nothing stop her, not even this gorgeous hunk of werewolf. Desire for the romantic Joshua, however, forces her to break down the barriers of prejudice which have kept vampire and wolfen apart for centuries.
Not only has a wolfen death squad followed Joshua to Titan, but he also runs smack into the evil Lord Draco and his equally malevolent consort, Mi-Kun. Evil plots and counterplots writhe beneath Titan's roiling methane clouds as Joshua and Anna risk everything to save each other's lives.
Author note: While The Pleasure Dome of Titan stands alone, it provides a bridge from the Lupus Populus series to the Chains of Passion series which takes place in the far, far future.
"This book is a humor-filled, entertaining sexual romp that proves women are smarter than men in so many ways. Reading this was a guilty pleasure."
"So often erotica suffers from woefully inadequate plot and character development in favor of hot sex. What a pleasure to find a tale that sizzles, but at least has a solid plot and believable characters visible through the steam.... I thoroughly enjoyed the clever twists and turns in the story."
The Pleasure Dome of Titan
Second Edition
Mikala Ash
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2017 Mikala Ash
Joshua stepped into the cubicle and, after sealing the door, patiently endured the cycles of decontamination. He followed the airlock computer's instructions and was alternately washed by a shower of steaming disinfectant and blown dry by some unidentified gas. Then the methane nitrogen atmosphere was replaced by a mixture more breathable by humans.
The airlock computer directed him to leave the cubicle by its back door. He stepped into a slightly larger dressing room and was instructed to remove his environmental suit. He was eternally glad to do so.
He pulled off his helmet and took a cautious breath. The werewolf sense of smell was acute, and he hoped the air in the dome smelled better than the spaceport. There he had suffered the distasteful reek of methane which had bit at his nostrils and seared his lungs. The locals aptly called the spaceport Fartsville, and Joshua had grimaced at the joke.
Here though, in Professor Voss's dome, the air was sweetly scented, and his head swam with the aroma of desire.
Hades wept! Oxytocin-five!
He should have expected it. The dome was the abode of vampires and thus would be redolent with their stench.
The twin weapons of the vampire were their psychic powers which first mesmerized their victims and the chemical oxytocin-five which they pumped out of every pore of their body. Oxytocin compelled their victims to desire them and was the source of the erotic allure of vampires down the ages. Werewolves had no such chemical in their arsenal apart from their natural pheromones.
If the effect wasn't so sensual, he would have described the air as putrid, possessing the faint but sickly stench of corruption. However, his swelling cock and furiously beating heart told him that the air was sweet ambrosia itself.
The scented air confirmed that there were a great many vampires here. His briefing papers had put the total count of personnel at the lab at only three; Professor Voss and two assistants. If his nose was any guide, there must be a dozen vampires here at least.
Why the hell are they congregating in this hell hole?
His erection pulsed and ached with lust. This was a sign of things to come, and he prepared himself for an unrelenting ordeal. The psychic assaults he could manage with his mind shield, but the lust-evoking chemicals were unbeatable. He had to breathe the air, and the inescapable oxytocin-five would enter his bloodstream and play with his brain no matter what he did. He wondered how he would get through his mission without some sort of sexual release. He had been prepared to counter the allure of Professor Voss, a single vampire, but to walk into a nest as extensive as this was way beyond any experience in his life.
He hoped, for both their sakes, Professor Voss was an ugly harridan so that lust wouldn't get in the way of his objective.
He took a deep breath and prepared himself to be in a constant state of sexual arousal. That was a mistake, and his head swam with lurid sexual images. In his head female humans rocked beneath the impassioned thrusting of athletic male vampires. Orgasmic cries punctuated the steady rhythm of grunts and groans as straining cocks ploughed into wet and willing…
Joshua leaned heavily against the wall for support and shook his head to dispel the surprisingly arousing images. This was going to be more difficult than he'd thought. He took a shallower breath and was able to partially suppress the hallucinations so that they were reduced to vague shadows playing in the background of his mind.
The computer startled him with an order to unpack his luggage and stow any bags exposed to the outside environment in a locker with his suit. The flight from Earth imposed strict weight restrictions, and he only carried two sets of clothes and a small toiletries bag. He repacked his clothing and personal requirements, such as they were, in a bag he found on the top shelf of his locker. The computer instructed him to leave everything in his locker, advising him that all his needs would be supplied. It was of no consequence; he didn't intend to stay long.
Naked, with a throbbing erection leading the way, Joshua stepped into another cubicle and was flooded with UV light. He wondered how the vampires coped with this essential part of decontamination.
Completely sterilized, he was instructed to dress in one of the tunics hanging on a peg in the wall. He chose a pale blue one and slipped it over his head. He looked at his reflection in the thoughtfully provided full-length mirror. The tunic was a little short for his liking and very, very tight. It made him look like an adolescent Roman. His straining erection tented the garment ridiculously, making it even tighter, and he pulled down at the hem to restrain it. This action only made the head of his cock peek out under the hem in a ridiculous fashion. He scowled and released the hem, allowing his cock to rise again. At least it was hidden inside the garment.
His cock ached, and Joshua desperately wanted to stroke it and give himself some relief. He cursed himself for being weak and tried again to focus on his mission. Lives were at stake, and not just that of the good Professor Voss.
He opened the dressing room's back door and stepped into another corridor. As the door closed behind him, a moving shadow at the end of the corridor and a slight brush of psychic energy attracted his attention. He was in time to catch sight of a petite, perfectly-proportioned female with long flaming hair duck into an access door at the end of the corridor. The trail of a diaphanous gown billowed behind her like a jade mist.
There was something ethereal about the figure and without thinking, he followed her. That single glimpse and the touch of her mind stroking his psychic shield had sent his cock into overload, and it rubbed against the garment's fabric as he ran. When he reached the door, it had already closed and was sealed tight.
He leaned his head against the cold door and breathed deeply. The air contained, in addition to the ever present oxytocin-five, a hint of the sweetest perfume; her essence that reminded him, of all things, of the succulent flesh of a mandarin. He filled his nostrils with her fragrance and sighed with the sheer pleasure it sent rushing through his veins.
He studied the door controls. Without an access code he could not follow and in frustration he thumped the door with his fist.
He had to have her. She was like some phantom woodland creature running free through a forest glade. She was simply the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.
Focus, for Hades' sake! I can't go about chasing a woman just because…
Gritting his teeth, he turned his back on the door and strode along the corridor. With each step he chided himself and derided his weakness. He was here to negotiate with Professor Voss to save her life. He must not let himself be distracted.
Behind him, the door slid open…
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