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- The winds of Venus blow steadily at 109 miles an hour.
- Light takes one-tenth of a second to travel from New York to London, eight minutes to reach Earth
from the Sun, and 4.3 years to reach the Earth from the nearest star.
- The Earth spins faster on its axis in September than it does in March.
- The world is not round, it is an oblate spheriod, flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator.
- The huge halo of comets that surrounds our solar system is called the Oort Cloud.
- A cosmic year is the amount of time it takes the sun to revolve around the center of the Milky Way, about 225 million years.
- An area of the sun's surface the size of a postage stamp shines with the power of 1.5 million candles.
Borrowed by Daheap from The Amazing Book of Useless Information;Noel Botham & The Useless Information Society